Today was a good but bad day. Let me start of with the good. Well since I had a lot of time on my hands today, due to lack of facebook, I started to write my story. I will post some excerpts soon. I think it's a pretty good story so far, but then again I might be the only one who will think so. I'm pretty excited about it, I think that I will get a lot done :) Then I started to write my speech about my job at Cat Callers, and it didn't take me long at all to write the first part of it. So far, not having facebook has been a pretty good thing. Not to say that I still don't want to get on, of course. But I'm pretty happy about the time I have gained.
Well, now on to the bad part of my day. As I stated in my second post, I have a horrible case of insomnia. Last weekend, I didn't go to sleep til around 5:30. For a long time, my friends have been telling me about a wonderful sleep aid called melatonin. I've been procrastinating getting it, but not getting to bed til the wee hours of the morning was the last straw. I finally went out and got melatonin. That night, I slept hard for the first time since I don't even know when :) However, with every good there has to be a bad somewhere.
I have been taking melatonin for a few days now, and during those days I have had a weird head swimming sensation. It wasn't too bad before, just really uncomfortable. HOWEVER today, it was horrid. I woke up and my vision kept on fading in and out. Then my head would feel really light one moment, and then really heave the next. Then I became very nauseous. On my way back from speech, I almost blacked out. Then when I went back to my dorm I was dry heaving ( I hadn't eaten yet ). Then I got a migraine. All together, it was a sickly day. I even had to call into work, which is something I haven't done since I started my new job at Cat Callers, and was trying very much to avoid. But I know that if I had gone to work, I would have sucked on the phones and would thrown up all over the place. So I looked up side effects of melatonin. Sadly, I can't take melatonin very much anymore. looks like it's back to sleep deprivation for me. But I would rather be sleep deprived then my head being in paid all the time.
Random blog? Yes. But I shall post again soon!
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