Monday, March 14, 2011

Facebook Fast OVER!

So as you all know, I did a facebook fast for a month and boy oh boy!  As pathetic as it may sound, it was probably one of the most difficult experiences ever! It was full of ups, downs, happiness and withdrawals. Oh my goodness the withdrawals. But overall, it was something that taught me so much. I learned from this and I could honestly say I would do it again. I learned how easy it is to lose sight of whats important to you. Before I started this fast, I wouldn't talk to my family everyday. I would just check facebook to see how they were doing and that would be it. However, not knowing what has been going on with my family was the biggest torture of all. I made a habit to call home every chance I got. My dad got a new job so it was hard to talk to him, plus my sister and brother were always busy too.
It was ok though, I loved talking to my mom. It really is easy to lose sight of what is important when you have facebook to check up. 
Now when I got on facebook, i was amazed. I had 99 notifications, 7 e mails, and 3 friend requests. But in all homesty, I figured out that facebook cannot hold more than 99 notifications at a time. In all actuality I had probably close to a 1,000 notifications. I know, WOW right?! Well it was mainly due to my good buddy Amberlee. She put over 100 wall posts, then "liked them", then tagged me in a crap ton of photos, "liked" them and commented on about 400 pictures, then "liked" all my notes and commented on a few of those as well. It was hilarious reading through all those :P Yes, I actually did look at all of them. I wish I could have taken a picture it all. 
It has been a week since my facebook fast ended. During this week, I have only checked facebook once, maybe twice a day. So much had changed with all my friends during the time that I was off of facebook. New relationships were formed, some ended and some people I found out were getting married or having babies. Everybody I talked to while on my fast told me that I wasn't missing much, but I obviously was. My best friend Nic left on his mission during the time that I was gone. I'm going to miss him so much.
This facebook fast has been one that was worth it. I know how to manage my time now. Even with being back on facebook, I finish homework and everything because I don't feel the need to keep on getting on when I get bored; I just trudge through it. I learned a lot from this, and I wouldn't trade it for anything :)

1 comment:

  1. Again, I am proud of you! I love hearing about your whole summary of your fast. I bet it was hard to hear about Nic leaving. But, he will be back before you know it. I am proud of you sister!

    Love you so much!
    -Me. :)
