Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm Reading a Book + Facebook Fast #4

So one of my favorite people to watch on Youtube goes by the name Julian Smith. If you haven't heard of him, you are seriously missing out, because he is probably one of the most freaking hilarious people on youtube. He just comes out with some really random crap, but the thing is that he is really really good at it. Most people who try to have random things on youtube are really annoying and just seem like they are trying to hard. Well, today my boyfriend found a video by Julian Smith that I, surprisingly, haven't seen yet.
THIS ONE I could totally relate to. It's called Reading a Book, and even though it is really ridiculous it is how I feel when I am really into reading a fantastic book. There are times when I feel like I wanna punch someone out when I'm getting into a story and I just want to be left in peace. This is so so so funny and I know that my little sister Missa will appreciate this a lot as well :)
Well lemme mention a little bit about my Day 4 of the facebook fast. It was fine actually, I got my homework done a lot quicker and I had extra time to focus on my day. The only bad thing is that I have been feeling really down lately and I'm wondering if it's because I'm not on facebook, like I'm starting to go through withdrawals or something. Oh well, we shall see how things turn out :)


  1. Hey babe. Found this today thought you'd want one:

  2. I'm readin' a book man!! I'm readin' a book.

    don't you ever interrupt me while i'm reading a book.....
